It is not too late to claim for health issues related to Roundup

Like many in Blue Mountain, you used Roundup to control the weeds on your lawn. You stopped using it as soon as you saw the reports coming out in the news about its potential dangers. At the time, you thought no more about it, as you had never suffered the skin rashes, dizziness or…

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How to deal with at-fault uninsured drivers

Getting in a vehicle wreck can be a nightmare. That’s because everything can happen within a split second, making it difficult for those involved to recollect what caused the collision. In most cases, people have to exchange contact and insurance information shortly after the crash occurs. However, if someone doesn’t have insurance, this can…

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Short furniture can cause tipping injuries if poorly designed

About once every two weeks, a child is killed in America when a piece of furniture falls on them. Such injuries happen about once every 15 minutes. Often, these pieces of furniture are dressers. This fact is from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The job of this independent U.S. government agency is to,…

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Don’t make these mistakes after a serious truck accident

In the aftermath of any serious motor vehicle accident, it can be difficult to know what to do and what options you have. The situation can be particularly overwhelming after a trucking accident. Because crashes involving trucks are often catastrophic, the fact is that there is a lot at stake for victims. These high…

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What should you do after a car accident?

Hundreds of car accidents occur every day. This is an issue that affects essentially everyone across the United States in one way or another. Even the most cautious drivers still tend to experience at least one accident during their lifetime. While many crashes are preventable, the sheer number of people on the road every…

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