You can become a defensive driver

What is the solution to the distracted driving epidemic? It could be working to become a defensive driver to protect yourself from those who just cannot seem to put the phone down behind the wheel. Defensive driving means anticipating hazards and putting yourself in a position to react to them right away. Drivers who…

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Distracted trucking may cause serious injuries

Truckers who are distracted can’t safely operate the rigs they are driving. It is imperative that they take the steps to ensure they are giving their full attention to their driving duties. When they don’t, there is a chance that innocent people will suffer greatly.  Laws are in place to discourage truckers from becoming…

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Causes of car wrecks you should know

Some people think of car wrecks as accidents that just happen. While this might be true in limited cases, most car crashes have an underlying cause. Many of these causes can be prevented if drivers would behave responsibly and ensure that they’re ready to drive and their vehicles are in road-worthy condition. Drowsy driving…

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The importance of having a dashcam in your car

Dashboard cameras have become more commonplace in recent years. Some manufacturers, like Tesla, even have built-in dashboard cameras installed in their vehicles. The price point for these devices has also decreased in the last few years. That, coupled with all the benefits a dashcam brings you, makes purchasing one completely worth it. Four benefits…

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3 causes of distracted driving that aren’t cell phones

In this day and age, distracted driving is common in conversation and complaints about commuting. And while there are multiple categories of distracted driving, manual distractions get a lot of verbal real estate in mentions of reckless driving. Manual distracted driving at its core is simply taking your hands off the wheel. And while some tasks don’t need hand-eye coordination, a…

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Mississippi is one of the most dangerous states for driving

Anytime you get behind the wheel you could be at risk of getting into a car accident. Several factors influence how likely you are to be involved in a crash. One of those factors is arguably the state you live in. Mississippi is the second most dangerous state to drive in. One reason for…

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