Expect your insurance company to give you the runaround

The last thing you need after a motor vehicle accident is an insurance company that doesn’t want to play fair. Unfortunately, this is likely to happen, as they’re in the business of paying out as little money as possible when satisfying claims. Even if your insurance company is giving you the runaround, there are…

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It is not too late to claim for health issues related to Roundup

Like many in Blue Mountain, you used Roundup to control the weeds on your lawn. You stopped using it as soon as you saw the reports coming out in the news about its potential dangers. At the time, you thought no more about it, as you had never suffered the skin rashes, dizziness or…

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You can become a defensive driver

What is the solution to the distracted driving epidemic? It could be working to become a defensive driver to protect yourself from those who just cannot seem to put the phone down behind the wheel. Defensive driving means anticipating hazards and putting yourself in a position to react to them right away. Drivers who…

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Distracted trucking may cause serious injuries

Truckers who are distracted can’t safely operate the rigs they are driving. It is imperative that they take the steps to ensure they are giving their full attention to their driving duties. When they don’t, there is a chance that innocent people will suffer greatly.  Laws are in place to discourage truckers from becoming…

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Expect manufacturers to mount a defense in product liability claims

It is safe to assume that most manufacturers do not wish to release any products that are dangerous to consumers. A dangerous product that injures consumers hurts the company’s reputation, their clientele and their financial bottom line.  Unfortunately, some dangers associated with products are not apparent right away. When it takes a long time…

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Don’t make the mistake of committing a prescription drug crime

You love being at college. It’s a great experience, and you’ve met a lot of wonderful people. Recently, a fellow student asked you if you wanted to buy some of their medications while you were out at a restaurant together. They had prescription hydrocodone, also known as Vicodin, which they thought could help you…

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